Saturday, January 31, 2009

Learning Disabilities or Active Start for Healthy Kids

Learning Disabilities: A To Z: A Parent's Complete Guide To Learning Disabilities From Preschool To Adulthood

Author: Lisa Strick

Not an alphabetical list, but an all encompassing guide, this book offers answers for parents of children who harbor neurological impairments affecting visual preception, language processing, fine motor skills, and the ability to focus attention. Such conditions are estimated to affect 5 percent of the U.S. population. In addition to surveying types and causes of disabilities, readers can learn how to identify these problems and specifically address them in and out of the classroom. The last section is devoted to social and emotional growth and success.

Go to: Very Special Agents or Child of War Woman of Peace

Active Start for Healthy Kids: Activities, Exercises, and Nutritional Tips

Author: Stephen J Virgilio

When it comes to physical activity and proper nutrition, young children need more encouragement and structure than ever before-especially in a culture inundated by video games, television, and fast food. Active Start for Healthy Kids: Activities, Exercises, and Nutritional Tips contains a wealth of fun, easy-to-implement activities that are specifically designed to teach 2- to 6-year-old children important health concepts. With this book as your guide, you can reach children in their formative years and help them develop positive behaviors that will last a lifetime.

Dr. Stephen Virgilio has been a children's health expert for more than 25 years. In this book he provides a wealth of safe, inexpensive, and developmentally appropriate activities that parents, teachers, and caregivers can implement:
* More than 50 developmental exercises and activities for flexibility, muscular fitness, and cardiorespiratory endurance
* 20 fun family physical activities
* 16 motor skill activities
* 21 yoga poses and games
* 18 dance and rhythm activities
* The top 10 nutritional guidelines for parents and teachers
* Heart-healthy kids' recipes

Help children engage in exercise that will benefit them for years to come. Active Start for Healthy Kids: Activities, Exercises, and Nutritional Tips is the first step toward a fuller, longer, and better life for the next generation.

Table of Contents:
Section I
Chapter 1. Let's Get Started
Chapter 2. The Possibilities

Section II
Chapter 3. Eating Healthy: Fuel for Fitness

Section III
Chapter 4. Fun Family Physical Activity
Chapter 5. Let's Exercise
Chapter 6. Go-Go Games
Chapter 7. Skills and Thrills
Chapter 8. Rhythm and Movement
Chapter 9. Yoga for Kids

Friday, January 30, 2009

Noni Natures Amazing Healer or Mastering Your Diabetes

Noni: Nature's Amazing Healer

Author: Neil Solomon

High blood pressure, cancer, arthritis, chronic pain—these are among the most widespread and debilitating diseases known to man. .

See also: Beste Buchhaltungspraxen

Mastering Your Diabetes: A Simple Plan for Taking Control of Your Health...and Your Life

Author: Janette Kirkham

Diabetes is a way of life, one that no one chooses but that some people are obligated to live nonetheless. Newly diagnosed people are required to follow all kinds of rules, change the way they've always lived, and struggle to retain their identity despite the new things that dictate the way they live. Mastering Your Diabetes is a "you can do it: here's how" book that helps people with diabetes adopt their new way of life with a sense of humor.

In this book, written by a diabetes health care professional who has also lived with diabetes for more than 25 years, readers gain valuable insight (and inspiration) from someone who understands.

Table of Contents:
1Congratulations, you have diabetes!1
2What's supposed to be happening that isn't?4
3What type of diabetes do I have or does that even matter?9
4If there's so much sugar in me, why don't I have any energy? (Short-term complications of high glucose levels)17
5Why should I check my blood sugar? I thought only people on insulin had to do that24
6What medications are used to treat diabetes?36
7If food is so essential, why am I on a diet?48
8I thought diabetes meant high blood sugar. Why should I worry about blood sugars going too low?60
9Exercise: your "rite" to good health67
10And what else is there ...? (General health care recommendations)76
11Am I sick because I'm high, or high because I'm sick?87
12I have to. I want to. I will! (The emotional side of diabetes)99
13If I don't feel sick, how can high blood sugars hurt me? (Long-term complications of diabetes)105
14Does this disease come with a guarantee?113
15What to do when you're tired of doing all you're doing117

Thursday, January 29, 2009

bOObs or Healing Foods For Dummies

bOObs: A Guide to Your Girls

Author: Elisabeth Squires

Entertaining, informative, and the ultimate guide to all things breast, boobs takes the mystery out of breast health and awareness and tackles every topic imaginable, including...: Bra Buying: Do you know the best tips for the right fit? Breast Size: Wish your girls were bigger - or smaller? Health Care: Are you taking good care of your boobs? Breasts and Sex: What can your boobs do for you in the bedroom?

Blanche Angelo - Library Journal

If a protagonist from a Sophie Kinsella novel wanted to learn about mammograms, she'd consult this book while getting her lowlights done. Squires, author of the Books on Boobs web site discusses the health, sexuality, life stages, and cultural significance of the female breast with a breezy, best-girlfriend approach that might inspire readers to stand tall and throw their shoulders back. Sidebars provide breastcentric slang and factoids, with juicier tidbits dispensed in "Boob Flash!" text boxes. Squires also presents an annotated "boobography" and truly useful guidance on choosing a bra. The inclusion of women's compelling stories almost earns this guide the alternate title of The Breast Monologues. While Dr. Susan Love's Breast Bookand Miriam Stoppard's The Breast Bookmay offer more coverage and the underwire support of white-coat science, Boobsis the sassy push-up that will get the attention of a younger audience who really needs this information. Recommended for all public library health and young adult collections. [For more on breasts, see LJ's annual roundup in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, p. 160.-Ed.]

New interesting textbook: Design Mix or The Baby Cookbook

Healing Foods For Dummies

Author: Molly Siple MS RD

You must know by now—since you’ve heard it at least a million times since kindergarten—that eating too much junk food and other poor quality, empty-calorie foods, will make you look and feel lousy and ruin your health. And you also know that eating a balanced diet will help keep you healthy and looking good. But did you know that there are foods that actually heal? Harassed by hay fever? Try garlic or onions, or if you prefer something sweet, try papaya or pineapple. Bugged by dermatitis? Broccoli and kale can stop the itch, so can salmon and tuna. For earaches you might try ginger, walnuts, onions, or papaya. And chili peppers are great for relieving the symptoms of bronchitis.

The delicious way to better health, Healing Foods For Dummies puts the “treat” back in treatment. Packed with shopping tips, cooking tricks, and more than 60 scrumptious recipes, this bountiful guide shows you how to:

  • Harness the healing power of ordinary foods
  • Know which foods to avoid for specific problems
  • Help reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart attack
  • Relieve the symptoms of common ailments
  • Fight off fatigue and improve your mood
  • Get your family eating right

Guided by crack nutritionist and bestselling author of nutritional guides and award-winning cookbooks, Molly Siple, you’ll discover hundreds of healing foods and the vitamins, minerals and therapeutic phytochemicals they contain.

From alfalfa to zucchini, she describes an array of best nutritional remedies, and she supplies:

  • Easy-to-follow instructions on how to shop for healthy, good tasting foods
  • A SymptomGuide—simple and easy nutritional remedies for more than 80 common conditions, listed alphabetically by symptom
  • An A-to-Z guide to 100 healing foods available at your neighborhood supermarket
  • More than 60 recipes for easy-to-prepare healing appetizers, beverages, breads, breakfasts, condiments and seasonings, dairy foods, desserts, and more

This friendly, caring, and accessible introduction to the world of healing foods medicine is a fun, fact-filled resource for anyone looking for a safe, easy-to-use alternative, or supplement, to conventional medicine, and who looks forward to a long, healthy life.

Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: Food Is Your Friend.

Chapter 2: Healing Traditions: Time-Honored Systems of Nutrition.


Chapter 3: The Conscious Kitchen.

Chapter 4: Shopping for Healing Foods.


Chapter 5: Rediscovering Whole Grains and Bringing Back Beans.

Chapter 6: Getting Bushels of Health Benefits from Fruits and Vegetables.

Chapter 7: Including Meats, Poultry, and Game in Your Diet.

Chapter 8: Saving a Place for Seafood.

Chapter 9: Taking a Fresh Look at Eggs and Dairy.

Chapter 10: Quality Fats and Healing Seeds and Nuts.

Chapter 11: Healing Herbs, Spices, and Flavorings.

Chapter 12: Selecting the Healthiest Beverages.


Chapter 13: Wakeup Foods for Fatigue.

Chapter 14: Improving Your Mood with Food.

Chapter 15: Eating for a Healthy Heart.

Chapter 16: Reducing Your Risk of Cancer at Every Meal.

Chapter 17: Healing Foods for Women.

Chapter 18: Healing Foods for Men.

Chapter 19: Feeding Children Healing Foods.

Chapter 20: Food Remedies for Common Problems.

Chapter 21: Putting It All Together.

Chapter 22: Eating on the Run.


Chapter 23: Ten Beautiful Ways to Serve Healing Foods.

Chapter 24: Ten Eating Strategies for Elders.

Chapter 25: Ten Reasons to Begin Eating Healing Foods Today.

Appendix A: A to Z to Ailments and Healing Foods.

Appendix B: A to Z Guide to Healing Foods.

Appendix C: Mail-OrderSources for Good Foods and Supplies.


Book Registration Information.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Get Healthy Get Happy or Muybridges Human Figure in Motion

Get Healthy, Get Happy

Author: Julie Isphording

The key is making small changes that add up to big results. Open to any page of Get Healthy, Get Happy and in a minute you'll be a step closer to a healthier, happier you.

Former Olympic marathoner Julie Isphording has compiled scores of tips that fit easily into your life, are simple to do, and lead to lasting, life-changing rewards. Start right now: Replace a soft drink with water during one meal per day, and you will drink thirty more gallons of water per year while cutting fifty thousand calories of carbonated sugar from your diet. Little change = big result. Julie offers quick-tip advice on diet, exercise, motivation, lifestyle, and many other subjects that add up to health and happiness. You'll also find pages you can write on to keep track of the changes you're making.

Other programs demand hours from your busy schedule. Julie asks for minutes per day. Resolutions to make huge, sweeping changes all at once are destined to fail in the long run because they're simply too tough to incorporate into the life you lead. Julie's system is simple, fast, and effective-an invaluable guide for busy people who need an approach tailored to their own personal needs, goals, and lifestyle. It's time for you to Get Healthy, Get Happy, and you now have the time to do it.

Table of Contents:
Acknowledgments     viii
Introduction     xi
Diet     1
Exercise     47
Recharge     89
Check-up     139
Resource Guide     171
About the Author     173

Books about: La Secuencia de 12 segundos or Dr Atkins Age Defying Diet

Muybridge's Human Figure in Motion (Dover Electronic Clip Art Series)

Author: Eadweard Muybridg

This remarkable collection features 166 black-and-white, stopped-action photographic sequences by the forefather of motion pictures. Men and women, mostly nude, perform a variety of motions — running, jumping, lifting, and more. Essential for artists, illustrators, and animators, these strips can be put to numerous imaginative uses. Includes 10 bonus Flash animations plus 15 photographic sequences that are ready to be animated.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Thyroid SourceBook or Taoist Meditation

The Thyroid SourceBook

Author: M Sara Rosenthal

The classic reference guide for living with thyroid disorder--now completely revised and updated

The New York Times called this book "an excellent source of information." The Thyroid Sourcebook features patient narratives; information on the complications of hypo- and hyperthyroidism, such as depression, weight gain, thyroid, eye disease, and sleep disorders; the latest on complimentary medicine; and much more.

M. Sara Rosenthal, Ph.D., is a thyroid cancer survivor, bioethicist, medical sociologist, and pioneer in consumer health writing. She completed her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto, and is currently the director of the Program for Bioethics and patients’ rights at the University of Kentucky.

Table of Contents:
Introduction to the Fourth Edition
Ch. 1Meet Your Thyroid Gland1
Ch. 2Over and Under: Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism21
Ch. 3Autoimmune Disorders45
Ch. 4Thyroiditis: Inflammation of the Thyroid Gland69
Ch. 5Please Explain Thyroid Nodules77
Ch. 6When They Tell You It's Cancer89
Ch. 7Women and Thyroid Disorders117
Ch. 8Thyroid Disorders and Men139
Ch. 9When It's Your Child149
Ch. 10A Layperson's Guide to Doctors165
Ch. 11A Layperson's Guide to Radioactive Iodine195
Ch. 12Thyroid Medication215
Ch. 13I'm Cured - Now What?243
App: Where to Go for More Information259

Interesting book: Low Carb Barbecue Book or Drinkology Eats

Taoist Meditation

Author: Thomas F Cleary

The ancient meditation techniques of Taoism encompass a wide range of practices—with an aim toward cultivating a healthy body as well as an enlightened mind. These selections from classic texts of Taoist meditation represent the entire range of techniques—from sitting meditation practices to internal alchemy. Most of the texts appear here in English for the first time. Selections are taken from the following classics: Anthology on Cultivation of Realization: A document from 1739 (Ming Dynasty) that emphasizes development of the natural, social, and spiritual elements in human life. Treatise on Sitting Forgetting: A Tang Dynasty text that sets meditation practice in terms familiar to Confucians and Buddhists. Sayings of Taoist Master Danyang: Wisdom of the Taoist wizard and representative of the Complete Reality School. Secret Writings on the Mechanism of Nature: An anthology taken from one hundred sixty-three Taoist sources, including ancient classics and works on meditation and spiritual alchemy, along with admonitions and teachings of the great Taoist luminaries. Zhang Sanfeng's Taiji Alchemy Secrets: A treatise on the inner mediation practices that are the proper foundation of the martial art Taiji. Secret Records of Understanding the Way: A rare and remarkable collection of talks by an anonymous Taoist master of the later Qing dynasty (1644–1911). Traditional teachings with a sometimes strikingly modern bent.

Publishers Weekly

These five Taoist treatises, written from the 7th to the 19th century, offer Chinese sages' thoughts on meditation, "alternative" medicine, body energy, human nature, the martial arts and life and death ("Everyone likes life but not the path of long life. Everyone dislikes death but not the things conducive to death"). The first selection, "Anthology on the Cultivation of Realization," is a vivid assortment of reflections taking up nearly half the book's text; it is long but fascinating. The esoteric "Treatise on Sitting Forgetting" is also a jewel, closing with some fundamental principles of Taoist meditation ("Arrest thoughts as they arise, in order to make your mind peaceful and quiet"). (June) Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.|

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Helping Your Depressed Teenager or Foundations of Exercise Science

Helping Your Depressed Teenager: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers

Author: Gerald D Oster

"The authors have produced a very readable, extremely well informed and comprehensive book that will add greatly to the knowledge base of interested parents. This book is strongly recommended." —Stewart Gable, MD Chairman, Department of Psychiatry The Children’s Hospital, Denver, Colorado You supported and encouraged them as they grew from toddlers to teens. Now you are confronted with one of the toughest challenges you and they will ever face … teenage depression. Adolescence is a period of peaks and valleys. Most teens negotiate these years with relative ease; yet for some these times are treacherous with countless pitfalls. When depression ensues, it can interfere with much of your child’s potential. Clinical depression is now epidemic among American teens, and teen suicide can be a deadly consequence. Helping Your Depressed Teenager is a practical guide offering family solutions to a family problem. This book will sensitize you to the hidden struggles of adolescents and assist you in understanding their multifaceted problems. The authors are experts in this field and have helped countless youngsters confront and overcome their depressed mood. In a highly readable and gentle manner, they help you see behind the "masks" of troubled teens who attempt to hide their true feelings. They help you distinguish the subtle and sometimes not so subtle signs that something is seriously wrong. And they help you provide the loving support and assistance teenagers need to make it through this difficult life passage. Some of the useful information provided:

• What families can do to prevent teen depression
• How to tell thedifference between moodiness and depression
• How to read the warning signs of a troubled teenager
• How to know when professional help is needed and where to find it
• How to choose the right treatment options for your teen

Table of Contents:
1On Becoming a Teenager3
2Today's Teenagers: Is There Something Wrong?11
3The Early Teen Years: Are They Truly a Wonder?19
4Graduation and Beyond29
5Understanding Clinical Depression41
6Is Your Teenager Depressed?59
7Teenage Suicide: A Not-So-Secret Killer77
8Suicide: Intervention and Prevention87
9The Family's Influence on Depression and Suicide93
10Evaluating the Depressed Teenager111
11Bringing Teenagers to Counseling121
12Seeking Counseling as a Family129
13The Use of Medication in Treating Teenage Depression141
14When Considering Hospitalization for Your Teenager153
Concluding Remarks171
Appendix: Organizations and Support Groups173
Selected Bibliography and Resources177

Books about: In Search of Another Country or What Happened

Foundations of Exercise Science

Author: Gary Kamen

This entry-level text provides an overview of the human movement sciences, combining basic science principles with applications in exercise science. Features include complete references to other biological science fields such as biochemistry, biomedical engineering and exercise immunology. Chapter objectives and summaries ensure understanding of the information covered, and application boxes illustrate practical applications related to the material. Topics covered include physiology of exercise, sports medicine prevention and rehabilitation of injuries, biomechanics of human motion, the mind and brain in exercise, and more. Connection Website:

Doody Review Services

Description: This is an introduction to the basic subdisciplines of exercise science. The book provides introductory information about exercise physiology, sports medicine, biomechanics, and motor behavior along with chapters on special topics such as nutrition, equipment design, and sport psychology.
Purpose: The authors seek to provide an overview of the scientific discipline of exercise science for undergraduate students from a variety of majors with the ultimate goal of stimulating interest in advanced study. Although the editors succeed in providing a useful compilation, which is very appropriate for an introductory course in exercise science, adoptability of the text outside the discipline seems improbable.
Audience: According to the editor, the book is written for all undergraduate students. The editor and authors are respected authorities in the various subdisciplines. The chapters are written for a broad audience and can be understood at the freshman level with no exercise science background.
Features: The authors do an excellent job of explaining the basics of exercise science to the nonscientist. In addition to summarizing some of the traditional topics, such training effects, Newton's laws, and visual tracking, the book also addresses several hot topics including the effects of the environment, exercise addiction, and clothing design. One unique feature is the use of a series of application boxes, short highlighted paragraphs about interesting topics such as delayed onset muscle soreness, guidelines for quick replenishment of fluid after exercise, and the psychology of warm-up. Topics that come up in daily conversation will likely increase the interest of the target audience. Each chapter is referenced and an impressive subject index allows the reader to find information regarding specific topics.
Assessment: This book is perfect for an introductory course in exercise science. However, exercise science programs that also serve students preparing for teaching careers will be better served by a book that introduces physical education in addition to exercise science (Wuest and Bucher, Foundations of Physical Education and Sport, 13th edition (Wm C. Brown Co


3 Stars from Doody

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Diccionario Naturista De La Salud de Consulta Rapida or Handbook of Vitamins

A Guide to MySQL

Author: Victor Cruz Hernandez

The MySQL® database has become the world's most popular open source database because of its consistent fast performance, high reliability, and ease of use. That's why best-selling authors Phil Pratt and Mary Last are pleased to introduce their latest database textbook - A Guide to MySQL. This straightforward text utilizes three case databases - Premiere Products, Henry Books, and Alexamara Marina Group - to teach the concepts and techniques of using MySQL. Your students will gain the skills to build professional quality MySQL databases, thanks to this real-world approach. Additional hands-on exercises at the end of each chapter offer students the opportunity to problem-solve based on what they've previously learned.

Read also The Productivity Manual or Changing the Way We Manage Change

GarageBand2: The Missing Manual

Author: Janos Zempleni

Whether you're a professional musician or a mere novice,Apple's GarageBand software has everything you need toproduce commercial-quality recordings entirely on your own. Just imagine how many thousands of singers andinstrumentalists remain undiscovered because they lack thecapability to produce viable demos. Well, no more.

Now there's no need to assemble a backup band or book timeat a professional studio—GarageBand has it covered. AndGarageBand 2: The Missing Manual gives you the know-how youneed to make it all happen. It's an authoritative, wittyguide to constructing digital recordings with GarageBand.

Written by the master of the Missing Manual series, and amusician himself, David Pogue, this top-selling book showsyou how to maximize the program's entire set of tools. Pre-recorded loops, sampled sounds, live recordings—they'reall explained in easy-to-understand language. It also showsyou how to apply professional-sounding effects like reverbor chorusing, and then export the finished product toiTunes, where you can download your work to an iPod, exportit as an MP3, or burn it onto CDs.

Now revised to reflect GarageBand's latest features, thisbook's second edition also addresses how to:use GarageBand's eight-track capabilitiesdisplay music notation in real timeenhance timing and pitch for better quality recordingschange the tempo and key of recorded instrumentstune guitars with GarageBand before recording

So if you're chasing a dream or just having fun, GarageBand2: The Missing Manual is the only resource you need to makethe finest musical recordings possible.

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1Setting up the Garage11
Ch. 2Loops29
Ch. 3Regions49
Ch. 4Software instruments (MIDI)69
Ch. 5Editing software instrument parts89
Ch. 6Recording and editing live audio109
Ch. 7Effects, guitar amps, and instrument modules125
Ch. 8Mixing and publishing145
Ch. 9Adding on, moving up171
Ch. 10The speed chapter197
Ch. 11Troubleshooting209
App. AThe GarageBand music crash course221
App. BGarageBand, menu by menu229
App. CGarageBand 2 keyboard shortcuts241

Friday, January 23, 2009

My Name Is Chellis and Im in Recovery from Western Civilization or Voices from Fatherhood

My Name Is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization

Author: Chellis Glendinning

What is the relationship between addiction and the ecological crisis? How can we use the lessons of individual recovery to address our collective need to heal society and the Earth? Chellis Glendinning goes beyond the personal to the very heart of Western civilization to answer these questions, and she shows how we can use trauma recovery and deep ecology, along with the wisdom of native cultures, to reclaim our innate wholeness.

New interesting textbook: Führung für das Einundzwanzigste Jahrhundert

Voices from Fatherhood: Fathers Sons and ADHD

Author: Patrick J Kilcarr

This is a book written especially for fathers who have sons with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and don't know how to interact with them. Voices from Fatherhood is unique in focusing on fathers' concerns in parenting their ADHD sons. It offers fathers support and encouragement and specific management techniques. In summary, this is a book that everyone-fathers, mothers, educators, and mental health professionals-will find useful in helping to understand the dynamics of modern day father-son relationships.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Maximize Your Body Potential or Chinese Massage for Infants and Children

Maximize Your Body Potential: Lifetime Skills for Successful Weight Management

Author: Joyce D Nash

Maximize Your Body Potential helps readers create a personalized approach to lifetime weight management. Providing illustrations, charts, tables, self-tests and checklists, this book shows how to make a commitment, set realistic goals, and design an individualized exercise and eating program. This book is the winner of the American Medical Writers Association Award.

Go to: Keep It Seasonal or Rosalind Creasys Recipes from the Garden

Chinese Massage for Infants and Children: Traditional Techniques for Alleviating Colic, Teething Pain, Earache, and Other Common Childhood Con

Author: Kyle Clin

A leading practitioner of Chinese medicine provides a parents' handbook of simple massage plans that can alleviate most common childhood ailments.

• Effective for colic, bedwetting, asthma, colds, coughs, chicken pox, teething, earache, and other conditions.

• Easy-to-use workbook format with 22 illustrated massage plans and step-by-step instruction allows parents to become active caregivers for their children.

For over one thousand years the Chinese have brought comfort, relief, and well-being to their children through a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, system of massage. Now Kyle Cline, a Licensed Massage Therapist trained at Shanghai's prestigious College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, teaches Western parents how to become active caregivers for their children by using Chinese massage techniques to alleviate childhood ailments from the simple (colds, coughs, chicken pox) to the chronic (colic, bedwetting, asthma).

Chinese Massage for Infants and Children grounds parents in the basics of Chinese medicine, then illustrates 9 massage techniques, 63 massage points, and 22 complete massage plans. With additional information on a general health plan for all children and on using Chinese herbal remedies, Chinese Massage for Infants and Children can substantially reduce visits to the pediatrician and use of prescription medicines, while improving the bond between parent and child that is at the heart of good health.

Table of Contents:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy or Your Pregnancy Quick Guide to Tests and Procedures

Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy

Author: Clark Heinrich

An illustrated foray into the hidden truth about the use of psychoactive mushrooms to connect with the divine.

• Draws parallels between Vedic beliefs and Judeo-Christian sects, showing the existence of a mushroom cult that crossed cultural boundaries.

• Contends that the famed philosophers' stone of the alchemist was a metaphor for the mushroom.

• Confirms and extends Robert Gordon Wasson's hypothesis of the role of the fly agaric mushroom in generating religious visions.

Rejecting arguments that the elusive philosophers' stone of alchemy and the Hindu elixir of life were mere legend, Clark Heinrich provides a strong case that Amanita muscaria, the fly agaric mushroom, played this role in world religious history. Working under the assumption that this "magic mushroom" was the mysterious food and drink of the gods, Heinrich traces its use in Vedic and Puranic religion, illustrating how ancient cultures used the powerful psychedelic in esoteric rituals meant to bring them into direct contact with the divine. He then shows how the same mushroom symbols found in Hindu scriptures correspond perfectly to the symbols of ancient Judaism, Christianity, the Grail myths, and alchemy, arguing that miraculous stories as disparate as the burning bush of Moses and the raising of Lazarus from the dead can be easily explained by the use of this strange and powerful mushroom. While acknowledging the speculative nature of his work, Heinrich concludes that in many religious cultures and traditions the fly agaric mushroom--and in some cases ergot or psilocybin mushrooms--had a fundamental influence in teaching humans about the nature of God. His insightfulbook truly brings new light to the religious history of humanity. 

New interesting textbook: As Seis Disciplinas de Ruptura das linhas inimigas que Aprende:Como Converter Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento em Resultados de Negócios

Your Pregnancy Quick Guide to Tests and Procedures: Everything You Need to Know about Both Routine and Special Tests and Procedures During Your Pregnancy

Author: Glade B Curtis

* Guidance on what to expect at routine appointments and what each test means* When and why your doctor might order a special procedure* What you need to know about tests in each trimester: ultrasound, amniocentesis, CVS testing, blood work, stress tests, glucose tolerance, and more

Table of Contents:
Part IMedical Tests during Pregnancy1
Tests before Pregnancy2
Tests for Pregnancy-Related Problems and Situations3
Tests during the 1st Trimester5
The Pregnancy Test5
Routine Tests Done at Every Visit6
Tests at Your 1st or 2nd Prenatal Visit9
Physical and Pelvic Exams11
Pap Smear11
Specific Tests during the 1st Trimester14
HIV and/or AIDS Test14
Antibody Rh-Negative Test16
Cystic Fibrosis Screening17
Alfa-Fetoprotein Test (AFP)19
Triple-Screen Test22
Quad-Screen Test23
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)25
Genetic Tests26
The Quantitative HCG Test27
Tests to Avoid during Your Pregnancy28
Imaging Tests28
2nd Trimester Tests You May Have31
Measuring the Growth of Your Uterus31
Glucose-Tolerance Test34
Ultra-Fast MRI34
Where Ultrasound Is Done37
How Ultrasound Is Done38
Some Special Uses of Ultrasound41
Transvaginal Sonography41
3-Dimensional Ultrasound42
The Cost of Ultrasound43
Nuchal Translucency Screening44
How Amniocentesis Is Done45
The Risks of Amniocentesis47
Blood Tests You May Have for Specific Problems47
Other Tests You May Have48
Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS) or Cordocentesis49
Fetal Fibronectin (fFN) Test50
Tests for the Woman Expecting More than One Baby51
3rd Trimester Tests You May Have54
Group-B Streptococcus Infection Test54
Ultrasound in the 3rd Trimester58
Home Uterine Monitoring59
Kick Count59
Bishop Score61
Nonstress Test (NST)63
Contraction-Stress Test (CST)65
The Biophysical Profile69
Tests You May Have during Labor72
Labor Check72
Fetal Blood Sampling during Labor73
Fetal Monitoring (Electronic Fetal Monitoring)74
Evaluating Fetal Lung Maturity77
Test to Determine Baby's Oxygen Levels78
Inducing Labor78
Tests for Your Newborn79
Apgar Score80
Blood Tests81
Coombs Test81
Reflex Assessment82
Neonatal Maturity Assessment82
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale82
Other Newborn Tests83
Your After-Pregnancy Checkup84
Part IIMedical Procedures during Pregnancy89
Maternal Procedures during Pregnancy89
McDonald's Cerclage for an Incompetent Cervix89
Rh-Sensitivity and RhoGAM91
Fetal Procedures and Surgeries95
Open Surgery96
Closed-Uterus Surgery97
Inducing Labor97
Ripening the Cervix for Induction99
Rupturing Membranes100
Stripping Membranes101
Epidural Block102
Spinal Block102
General Anesthesia103
Local Block103
Repair of an Episiotomy105
Forceps Delivery and Vacuum Extraction106
Removal of the Placenta106
Manual Removal106
D&C for a Retained Placenta107
Tubal Ligation after Delivery?107

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Miladys Comprehensive Guide to Hair Removal or Counseling the Alzheimers Caregiver

Milady's Comprehensive Guide to Hair Removal

Author: Helen Bickmor

This helpful guide provides the most complete source for those seeking to expand their knowledge on a variety of hair removal techniques. You'll receive basic information and instruction on both temporary and permanent methods of hair removal, including waxing, electrolysis and lasers. The author fully explains each technique, including the evolution of the method, histology of the skin, and the safe and sound methods of sanitation, sterilization and hygiene as prescribed by OSHA. Each procedure is supported by helpful step-by-step photographs and/or illustrations to reinforce proper protocol. Information on how the method works to remove hair is provided, including the length of time before regrowth occurs and any potential side effects.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Anatomy and Physiology of the Hair and Skin.

Chapter 2: Skin Disorders and Diseases.

Chapter 3: The Endocrine System.

Chapter 4: Hirsutism and Hypertrichosis.

Chapter 5: Bacteriology, Sanitation, and Sterilization.

Chapter 6: Home Hair-Removal Methods.

Chapter 7: Threading.

Chapter 8: Sugaring.

Chapter 9: Introduction to Waxing.

Chapter 10: Hard Depilatory Wax, The Nonstrip Method.

Chapter 11: Hot Wax Strip Method.

Chapter 12: History and Evolution of Electrolysis.

Chapter 13: Selecting the Right Modality and Treatment Application.

Chapter 14: Thermolysis.

Chapter 15: Galvanic Electrolysis.

Chapter 16: The Blend Method.

Chapter 17: Laser Physics, Equipment, and Safety.

Chapter 18: Laser Hair-Removal Treatment.

Chapter 19: Licensure and Starting a Practice.

Chapter 20: Professional Ethics, Professional Organizations, and Continuing Education. Glossary. Index.

Look this: Fundamentals de Sistemas de Información, 4ta Edición

Counseling the Alzheimer's Caregiver: A Resource for Healthcare Professionals

Author: American Medical Association

Provides proven strategies to help caregivers deal with Alzheimer's Disease and draws on lessons learned during 15 years of empirical clinical treatment intervention. This manual is an invaluable resource for health care providers who work with families caring for an Alzheimer's Disease (AD) patient. Providing proven strategies to help caregivers deal with the enormous physical and emotional stress of caring for a loved one with AD, it can help significantly improve the level of patient care.

This resource outlines, in detail, the symptoms of AD at each stage and the roles of caregiver and counselor from the initial diagnosis to after the patient's death. It teaches health care providers how to create for caregivers individualized intervention plans that cover everything from managing behavioral and psychological symptoms of AD to maintaining their own well-being. The resource also provides information on formal support services for patients living at home, as well as guidance on making the decision to place the patient in a residential facility.

More than 80 percent of AD patients receive care from family or other non-formal help. With AD expected to affect an estimated 14 million people by the mid-21st century, this book is an increasingly important addition to your library.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: David O. Staats, MD (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center)
Description: This book describes a counseling program developed by NYU for caregivers of a loved one who has Alzheimer's disease.
Purpose: Its purpose is to provide a summary of the evidence-based counseling strategies that work best with persons caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease. The book gives a description of the counselilng process.
Audience: Social workers will find this most of use. Others who counsel family members caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease will find this bok useful. Healthcare professionals caring for the demented also will find this book of use.
Features: Woven throughout the discussion are vignettes that clearly get across the message of what is at issue with the counseling. At the end of each of the 13 chapters there is a summary of the points covered.
Assessment: More healthcare professionals should know the best ways of counseling family members caring dor a demented person. It would have been helpful to have the citation of the original research and to publish some of the caregiver assessment measures. Not all dementing illnesses are Alzheimer's disease, and some word about any special approaches or features in other dementing illnesses would be of use. This book does not discuss how one arranges for the counseling described:access is a pertinent issue here. With the burgeoning population of the demented, and the desire of caregivers to manage them at home, this book is a good contribution to the field.

What People Are Saying

Peter Rabins
Counseling the Alzheimer's Caregiveris certainly of interest to many physicians and non-physicians who have contact with AD patients and their families. The strength of what is presented here is that it has been tested in an efficacy trial. I would highly recommend it.
— Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Lisa P. Gwyther
At long last -- a research evidence-based practice guide for counseling Alzheimer's families. Full of vivid vignettes and practical "how-to's", this book pulls together what we know about Alzheimer's care and families in a cohesive whole for any health or human service professional. I bet it will become a desk reference for the full range of disciplines and professionals working with Alzheimer's families.
— Bryan Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Duke University Medical Center

James O'Brien
Very useful resource for many workers involved in the provision of care to Alzheimer's victims and their families.I would recommend it to others.
— The Margaret Dorward Smock Professor in Geriatrics University of Louisville, Kentucky


3 Stars from Doody

Discovering the Bodys Wisdom or Complete Guide to Wheat Free Cooking

Discovering the Body's Wisdom

Author: Mirka Knaster

In an attractive, oversized format, enlivened with illustrations, sidebar quotes, personal accounts, techniques to try, and profiles of leaders in the field, Discovering the Body's Wisdom is a basic resource for well-being and natural health.

Body disciplines and therapies have enjoyed phenomenal growth in the past decade, becoming a major alternative to mainstream medicine and traditional psychotherapy. But with more than 100,000 practitioners and dozens of methods available in the United States alone, how can consumers choose the right one for themselves?

Mirka Knaster's richly informative guide provides an overview of the principles and theories underlying the major Eastern and Western body therapies, or "bodyways." It shows readers how to befriend their own bodies, getting back in touch with their internal sources of health and wisdom. It also describes more than 75 individual approaches, answering such questions as: How does each therapy work? What can we expect from one session or a series? What are the reasons for selecting this method? How do we find a qualified practitioner? What, if any, are the "consumer-bewares"?

Publishers Weekly

If ever a book could have used a subtitle, this is one. An explanatory phrase like "Bodywork Therapies Old and New" would go far to alerting readers to the scope and purpose of this comprehensive consumer guide to the myriad bodywork disciplines currently available. After explaining the purpose of bodywork and the psychological and physical benefits ascribed to it, Knaster, a licensed massage therapist and former Ford Foundation Fellow, suggests how best to choose a therapeutic approach and what to expect from it, and how to find and evaluate bodywork practitioners. Knaster considers Western systems, with their emphasis on structure, function and movement, and Eastern approaches, which emphasize energy, or the life force. Each section concludes with information on training. The margins of the pages are distractingly busy with quotations, which, while relevant, make the necessarily complex explanations more difficult to follow. Long paragraphs set off by shading offer valuable first-person accounts or do-it-yourself exercises by which a reader can sample the practice of a therapy, but these too are interruptive. Despite its design flaws, Knaster's comprehensive study will be of considerable help to those who want to know the differences between the Alexander Technique and the Rosen Method or between Shiatsu and Aikido. (July)

Library Journal

This is one of the most complete books available on bodywork. The author, a licensed massage therapist, uses the term bodyways to describe any technique that involves movement to improve the structure, function, and feeling of the human body. More than 75 different types of therapies are discussed, ranging from the different kinds of massage therapy to those with a more philosophical bent, like postural integration or t'ai chi chuan. Readers are also told how to "befriend" their own body and how to choose and work with a bodyworks practitioner, and they can dip into the book to study just one particular therapy. A useful appendix tells "How To Deal with Sexual Misconduct." The book's extensive bibliography should be useful to those doing further research. This book will appeal to both the practitioner and the consumer and is recommended for medical and public libraries.Natalie Kupferberg, Ferris State Univ. Lib., Big Rapids, Mich.

See also: La Teoría de Finanzas Corporativas

Complete Guide to Wheat-Free Cooking

Author: Phyllis Potts

More than a collection of delicious recipes, The Complete Guide to Wheat-Free Cooking celebrates the joys of eating well.

Author Phyllis Potts chose treasured family recipes, good old-fashioned comfort food, and modified them for people like herself who can't eat wheat. As an insider, she has valuable insights into what it takes to succeed at making a dramatic diet change. She shows readers how to reproduce the textures and flavors of breads and pastries using non-wheat flours made from rice, garbanzo beans, and corn. She also teaches creativity in working with substitutions for those with multiple food allergies and speaks to general concerns, such as using bread machines and storing leftovers.

Let's awaken our individual and collective spiritual obligation to our planet and its creatures.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Lost Language of Plants or Finding Balance

The Lost Language of Plants: The Ecological Importance of Plant Medicines to Life on Earth

Author: Stephen Harrod Buhner

"Enraged, Energized, Exultant. You won't know how to feel after reading Stephen Harrod Buhner's The Lost Language of Plants. This is a devastating expose about how we are polluting our environment with the pharmaceuticals that Western medicine has developed to heal us. We are ingesting Prozac, Premarin, and antibiotics whether we want to or not." Yet, as we foul air and water with toxic residues, we overlook the power of the planet's natural healers, stabilizers, and chemists - plants. Buhner sees plants as fully sentient beings, adjusting and fine-tuning to the environment just as they have done for the past 500 million years. Until recently, humans shared the language of plants, but increasingly we have lost our ability to communicate with the natural world. Buhner shows us a path back to our shamanic roots.


The author of blends poetry, his and others' reflections on nature, alerts about the impact of the medicine of "fundamentalist Scientists," information on the chemistry of plants and their bond with humans, and exercises for raising environmental consciousness. Resources listed include Buhner's Foundation for Gaian Studies in Coeur d'Alene, ID. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
A Note to the Reader
1The Taste of Wild Water1
2The Two Wounds11
3Epistemological Conflict25
4The Loss of Biophilia and Biognosis55
5The Environmental Impacts of Technological Medicine83
6The End of Antibiotics115
7"Plants Are All Chemists"141
8Plants as Medicines for All Life on Earth171
10The Lost Language of Plants219
11Living Biognosis: The Work of Carol McGrath, Sparrow, Rosemary Gladstar, John Seed247

Go to: The Populist Vision or Global Shift

Finding Balance: Fitness and Training for a Lifetime of Dance

Author: M Berardi

Finding Balance: Fitness, Health, and Training for a Lifetime in Dance gives an overview of issues faced by all performing dancers: injury and treatment; technique and training; fitness; nutrition and diet; and career management. The text includes both easy-to-read overviews of each topic and "profiles" of well known dancers and how they have coped with these issues.
The new edition includes:
· Updated and new profiles
· Expanded injury and injury treatment information
· Updated dance science and physiology findings, and new references
· Updated diet guidelines
· Expanded and updated "Taking Control" section
It concludes with a list of selected dance/arts medicine clinics, a bibliography, glossary, and text notes.

Against Depression or The Diabetes Lifestyle Book

Against Depression

Author: Peter D Kramer

Against Depression is an assessment of the science of mood disorder - a field that has taken leaps forward in the past decade. Walking the reader through the full range of new research, Kramer shows how depression endangers nerve cells, disrupts brain functioning, damages the heart and the blood vessels, alters personal perspective and judgment, and interferes with parenting and family life. As the evidence mounts, there is no denying the obvious - that depression now qualifies fully as a disease, one of the most devastating known to humankind. And yet, says Kramer, "we do not approach depression as a disease, not in our daily thinking." Depression, linked in our culture to a long tradition of "heroic melancholy," is often understood as ennobling - a source of creativity, integrity, insight, and even sensuality. Tracing these beliefs from Aristotle to the Romantics to Picasso, and to present-day memoirs of mood disorder, Kramer suggests that the pervasiveness of the illness has distorted our impression of what it is to be human. He shows how a head-on look at depression as we now know it will change our sense of self, our tastes in art and in love, and our account of what it is to live a good life.

Natalie Angier

Kramer presents a sustained case that depression, far from enhancing cognitive or emotional powers, essentially pokes holes in the brain, killing neurons and causing key regions of the prefrontal cortex -- the advanced part of the brain, located just behind the forehead -- to shrink measurably in size. He lucidly explains a wealth of recent research on the disease, citing work in genetics, biochemistry, brain imaging, the biology of stress, studies of identical twins. He compares the brain damage from depression with that caused by strokes. As a result of diminished blood flow to the brain, he says, many elderly stroke patients suffer crippling depressions.

The Washingon Post - David Brown

In his new book, Peter D. Kramer examines depression with a cool, intelligent and sympathetic eye. The author of the wildly popular Listening to Prozac , he is a practicing psychiatrist who sees depression and its human cost nearly every working day. He asks two interesting questions: If we could eradicate depression, would we? And if we did, would we lose anything of value?

Publishers Weekly

What is depression really, and how does society define it? Kramer, a famed psychiatrist and author of the 1993 bestseller Listening to Prozac, says he has written "an insistent argument that depression is a disease, one we would do well to oppose wholeheartedly." In making his argument, Kramer examines the cultural roots of notions about depression and underscores the gap between what we know scientifically and what we feel about the illness. Kramer traces depression from Hippocrates through the Renaissance and Romantic "cult of melancholy" to advances in medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy, and at last to the disease we now know it to be. Kramer's curiosity drives the book forward as he ponders why we value artwork and literature built on despair: "certain of our aesthetic and intellectual preferences have been set by those who suffer... deeply." The book maintains the perfect balance between science and human interest, as the author details both psychiatric studies and personal experience. A comparison of the biochemical workings of depression with the physical and observable symptoms serves as an intellectual trip for readers and provides a thorough exploration of what Kramer dubs "the most devastating disease known to humankind." The book is rich with questions that engage the reader in an active dialogue: Why is society captive to depression's charm? And will this infatuation change with the emergence of more evidence regarding depression's severely disabling effects? Kramer leaves off with these questions to ponder. Resolute but not preachy, this book is an important addition to the growing public health campaign against depression. As for how we should definedepression-perhaps it's best understood by its opposite: "A resilient mind, sustained by a resilient brain and body."
Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

Library Journal

In his best-selling Listening to Prozac, psychiatrist Kramer (Brown Univ.) explored the social implications of psychotropic personality change; he did not address the actual effects of these drugs on the severely depressed, yet he was constantly asked, "What if van Gogh (or, in Denmark, Kierkegaard) had been given antidepressants?"-the suggestion being that depression, or the depressive personality, is important to the production of works of genius. This led to the present book, which examines the question, "If we could eradicate depression so that no human being ever suffered it again, would we?" His answer is a resounding yes; depression is a major cause of distress with no redeeming value. In the process, he argues that the idea of "heroic melancholy" is simply a way our culture has developed to cope with a disorder that we can't cure-analogous to the way that tuberculars were once thought to be especially sensitive and creative. Along the way, Kramer offers an excellent summary of current biochemical theories of depression. Highly recommended for both public and academic libraries. —Ann Hughes, Neill P.L., Pullman, WA
Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

Kirkus Reviews

A heartfelt argument that depression is not, as many would have it, a source of heroic melancholy and artistic genius, but, rather, a pathological condition that should, if possible, be eradicated. When Kramer (Clinical Psychiatry/Brown Univ.) made public appearances after publication of his best-selling Listening to Prozac (1993), audiences persistently challenged him with questions like, "What if Prozac had been available in van Gogh's time?" The assumption that suffering from mental illness is a prerequisite to genius and that humanity would be the poorer if depression were conquered is anathema to Kramer. Instead, he asserts, it is "the most devastating disease known to humankind," and to back up his claim he cites some astonishing statistics: $40 billion in lost productivity in the United States, for example, or 3 percent of GDP. In a wide-ranging essay that draws on his own life and on his years of treating patients, he explores the gap between common perceptions of depression and the scientific understanding of it. In the first of three parts here, "What It Is to Us," he looks at the charm of depression and its erotic power, at the way people are drawn to such precursors of depression as moodiness, passivity and vulnerability. In "What It Is," he reviews research in biological psychiatry and neuroscience that links depression to frank abnormalities in the nervous system, including problems in stress responses, repair of cells in critical brain regions, and small or malfunctioning hippocampus glands. Finally, in "What It Will Be," Kramer envisions a world without depression and lists benefits of its eradication. Without depression to fear, he says, we would be free to be quirky andneurotic, to take risks more openly and to love more generously-and we'd still have art and artists. While not predicting that depression will be eliminated anytime soon, Kramer brings hope to those afflicted by it. A clear, valuable exposition of the progress researchers are making in understanding an all-too-common disease. Author tour

New interesting textbook: Understanding Privacy or The Kennedy Tapes

The Diabetes Lifestyle Book: Facing Your Fears and Making Changes for a Long and Healthy Life

Author: Jennifer A Gregg

This revolutionary book focuses on a two-pronged approach to diabetes management. First, it provides in-depth education about diabetes, focusing on the difficulties inherent in the self-management of the disease. This includes information about diet, exercise, medication compliance, blood glucose testing, insulin administration, as well as potential complications and how to avoid them. The book also addresses the enormous emotional and psychological component of diabetes.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Vertical Reflexology or Mineral Miracle

Vertical Reflexology: A Revolutionary Five-Minute Technique to Transform Your Health

Author: Lynne Booth

This work explains Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT)—a form of reflexology that works on top of the feet with the patient standing, providing deeper access to reflex points. Illustrations and diagrams showing the exact points to target and instructions for giving a VRT massage are included.

Read also Industrial Societies or Business Ethics

Mineral Miracle: Stopping Cartilage Loss and Inflammation Naturally

Author: Shari Lieberman

With the recent recall of Vioxx and the current controversies swirling around the use of other COX-2 inhibitor drugs, millions of people are looking for a safer way to relieve their arthritic pain. Now, a new discovery may provide much-needed relief. Written by two cutting-edge researchers and best-selling authors--Drs. Shari Lieberman and Alan Xenakis--Mineral Miracle sheds light on the SierraSil mineral deposit and explains how it can relieve joint pain and inflammation naturally.

For years, scientists have understood that inflammation causes pain. Laymen know it too as soon as they experience a painfully swollen bruise or inflamed joint. Only recently, however, has the process of inflammation been linked to the deterioration of tissue, bone, and cartilage--and recognized as an underlying cause of heart attack. And while the importance of minerals has been documented for years, it is only now that a naturally occurring blend of minerals has been found to act as a powerful anti-inflammatory that can actually stop or slow down the loss of cartilage. This blend, derived from the SierraSil mineral deposit, is the focus of this important book, which looks at the blend's unique composition, its healing action, and its ability to stop pain.

While many drugs may appear helpful in the war against pain, all of them have formidable side effects, some of which have proven deadly. For those looking for a simpler solution to a real problem, the Mineral Miracle may hold the answer.

Publishers Weekly

The ancient practice of eating clay to promote good health lies at the heart of Lieberman and Xenakis's look at the new "mineral miracle" supplement SierraSil. The product's name comes from the Sierra Nevadas, where it is found, and silicates, the primary minerals that form it. The authors (Lieberman is a clinical nutritionist; Xenakis founded a company that sells nonprescription pharmaceuticals) explain how, in the 1970s, a gold prospector discovered that the soil in the Sierras contained a significant amount of natural clay. This clay healed a dog's injured paw and went on to work wonders on arthritic human hands. Lieberman and Xenakis are passionate about SierraSil's ability to help those suffering from arthritis and many other inflammatory conditions, as well as digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. They review the science behind SierraSil and its health benefits, then proceed to school readers on living a healthy lifestyle, covering the basics of a healthy diet and exercise. However, despite their enthusiasm-or maybe because of it-much of the book feels like the print equivalent of a television infomercial. (Mar.) Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.

Library Journal

One in five Americans was diagnosed with some form of arthritis in 2004, and these two arthritis management books address that problem. A newly discovered treatment is the mineral clay complex SierraSil, and in Mineral Miracle, nutrition specialist Lieberman (Univ. of Bridgeport, CT; The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book) and researcher Xenakis (founder, XenaCare) promote its efficacy and safety while cautioning against "magic bullet" treatments. They also summarize the science of mineral use in the body and the physiology of arthritis, as well as including an action plan for achieving good health. The effusive personal promotion of SierraSil is impressive, but the research conclusions, presented as definitive, seem fairly tepid. Arthritis Rx by physician and researcher Vad (rehabilitation medicine, Cornell Univ.; Back Rx) recommends a three-pronged regimen consisting of diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise. Vad recognizes that there is currently no cure for arthritis, only management strategies. He promotes dietary changes involving foods shown to have anti-inflammatory properties (a sample day-by-day menu and recipes are included), yoga- and Pilates-based exercises, and a nutritional supplement mix. He also provides a primer on the science of arthritis, techniques for learning "deep breathing," and photos of each exercise/yoga position. In the spirit of "let the buyer beware," Lieberman's book is guardedly recommended for public libraries. As for Arthritis Rx, many other arthritis management books also suggest diet, supplements, and exercise, but Vad's plan incorporates a specific combination of the three and so is recommended for public libraries.-Andy Wickens, King Cty. Lib. Syst., WA Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.

Relieving Pain Naturally or Eat More Weigh Less

Relieving Pain Naturally: Safe and Effective Alternative Approaches to Treating and Overcoming Chronic Pain

Author: Sylvia Goldfarb

For millions of Americans, severe pain is a fact of everyday life. Standard medicine commonly offers relief through drug therapies. While often effective, these medications come with a host of side effects, from drowsiness to addiction. While many sufferers would prefer nondrug options, much of the available information on alternative pain treatment is scattered, incomplete, and in many instances, out of date—or it was, until now. Professional health writers Dr. Sylvia Goldfarb and Roberta Waddell have designed Relieving Pain Naturally to be a comprehensive guide to drug-free pain management.

Part One examines over forty of the most common chronic pain-related conditions, from abdominal pain to tendonitis. Each disorder is explained, and its alternative pain treatments detailed. Part Two offers twenty-seven drug-free therapies, including both conventional treatments and alternative modalities, such as acupuncture, biofeedback, heat and cold therapy, hypnosis, nutrition, and oxygen therapy. A comprehensive resource section guides you to professional organizations that can help you find an appropriate therapist in your area.

For years, millions of pain sufferers have longed for a safe, side effect-free treatment for chronic pain. Now, Relieving Pain Naturally provides a reliable starting point.

About the Author:
Sylvia Goldfarb, PhD, a writer specializing in medical topics, has written articles for numerous magazines, including Focus, Natural Body and Fitness, and Today's O.R. Nurse. She is also the author of two books, including Allergy Relief.

Roberta W. Waddell has been both a writer and editor in the field of alternative health for over sixteen years. Because of her own chronic pain, she has experienced conventional and alternative therapies firsthand.

New interesting textbook: Analisi finanziaria con Microsoft? Excel

Eat More, Weigh Less

Author: Dean Ornish

Here, in the bestselling tradition of Reversing Heart Disease, Dr. Dean Ornish presents a scientifically validated lifestyle and eating plan that takes off unwanted weight, reduces the risk of heart disease, and—best of all—leaves you feeling full and satisfied, simply by cutting back dietry fat to 10% of the total calories you eat. A New York Times hardcover bestseller and a Publishers Weekly audio bestseller.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Hormone Decision or Body Control

The Hormone Decision

Author: Tara Parker Pop

Do you have questions about menopause and the use of hormones?

The generation of women approaching or entering menopause today has heard more on the subject than any previous generation. First hormones were good. Then suddenly they were bad. Now they don't seem to be in the news much at all. But for the woman realizing that her body is starting to change, all these conflicting reports can be frightening. The truth is that every woman is different, and no one answer is correct for everybody.
Tara Parker-Pope, who has written about health for both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, details all the latest research on menopause in a clear, easy-to-read style that makes it possible for you to:

  • understand the research
  • ask intelligent questions
  • choose whether or not hormone therapy is right for you.

Book review: Asia in Crisis or GAIA Connections

Body Control: Using Techniques Developed by Joseph H. Pilates

Author: Lynne Robinson

Once only used by athletes, dancers, actors, and musicians, this method is now recommended for everyone — men and women of all ages. It also helps pregnant women learn proper breathing and body concentration; and recover body shape and tone after pregnancy. Many exercises are so gentle that they may be used by senior citizens to regain muscle tone, correct posture, and prevent bones from becoming brittle.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Pat Cash8
Foreword by Piers Chandler9
The Benefits of the Body Control Method14
The Eight Principles16
Know Thyself23
Ready to Start26
The Warm-up28
1 Standing at Ease28
2 Roll-downs Against the Wall30
3 Sliding Down the Wall32
4 Relaxation Position34
5 Breathing Correctly36
6 Navel to Spine38
7 Knee Circles & Leg Circles40
8 Hamstring Stretch42
9 Hip Flexors44
10 Shoulder Drops46
11 Neck Rolls & Nose Spirals48
12Spine Curls50
13 Hip Rolls52
Lengthening & Strengthening54
14 The Corkscrew54
15 The Samson56
16 Side Reaches58
17 Waist Twist60
18 Pole Raises62
19 Wrists, Hands & Fingers64
20 Curl-ups66
21 Oblique Curl-ups68
22 Turning Out the Leg70
23 Single Leg Stretch72
24 The Hundred74
25 Curl-downs76
A Sound Foundation -- Foot Control78
26A Foot Circling80
26B Lifting the Arches81
26C Pointing & Flexing82
26D Waking Up the Toes -- The Mexican Wave!84
Flexibility & Strength86
27 The Star -- stage 186
27 The Star -- stages 2 & 388
28 Single Heel-kicks90
29 The Cat92
30 Rest Position Back-breathing94
Working with Weights96
31 Leg weights -- Abductor Lifts98
32 Leg weights -- Lift & Lower100
33 Leg weights -- Twenty Lifts100
34 Leg weights -- Inner-thigh Toner102
35 Arm weights -- Flys104
36 Arm weights -- Backstroke Swimming106
37 Arm weights -- Triceps108
38 Arm weights -- Biceps110
The Wind-down112
39 Arm Openings113
40 Pillow Squeeze114
Working Out with Body Control116
The Correction of Common Postural Faults124
Further Reading126

Los Cinco Tibetanos or Tai Chi

Los Cinco Tibetanos: Cinco Ejericios Dinamicos Para Lograr Buena Salud, Energia y Poder Personal

Author: Christopher S Kilham

Salud / Yoga

Los Cinco Tibetanos son un sistema de yoga con ejercicios altamente energizantes y a la vez muy sencillos, cuyo origen se remonta a la cultura del Himalaya.  También se les conoce como los Cinco Ritos de Rejuvenecimiento; llegaron a Occidente a principios de nuestro siglo por medio de un oficial retirado de la armada británica, quien los aprendío en una lamasería tibetana.  Desde 1978 Christopher S. Kilham ha enseñado estos ejercicios a miles de personas que buscan un modo de vida más sano. 

Los Cinco Tibetanos requieren un mínimo de tiempo y esfuerzo al día, pero no pueden aumentar drásticamente la fuerza y flexibilidad física, al igual que la agudeza mental.  Aun los principiantes del yoga experimentarán el efecto de liberación sobre el poder energético innato del cuerpo y la mente humana que ejercen los Cinco Tibetanos.  La práctica regular de estos ejercicios libera la tensión muscular y nerviosa, mejora la respiración y la digestión, beneficia el sistema cardiovasuclar y llevan a una relajación profunda y bienestar.  Los Cinco Tibetanos pueden ser un vehículo poderoso, no solamente a fin de avivar los sentidos sino para generar una eregía vital en orden a la autotransformación. 

Christopher S. Kilham ha enseñado el yoga, la meditación y la salud natural durante más de viente años, siendo ponente y apareciendo en programas de radio y televisión en todo Estados Unidos de Norteamérica.  Es autor de muchos artículos en revistas y de varios libros, entre los cuales seencuentran: In Search of the New Age, Take Charge of Your Health, Inner Power y The Bread and Circus Whole Food Bible.

Chris Kilham has been involved in the field of holistic health as a writer, lecturer, and entrepreneur since 1970. He is the author of The Five Tibetans and The Whole Food Bible, as well as the founder of Medicine Hunter Inc., which specializes in the research and development of plant medicines. He lives in Massachusetts.

Hinduism Today

Kilham brings to The Five Tibetans nicely written chapters about kundalini, the chakras and an especially insightful instruction on the role of breathing while doing each rite. Excellent and recommended...

Read also Marketing or The Time Divide

Tai Chi: The Supreme Ultimate

Author: Lawrence Galant

A comprehensive text that includes a study of the origins and history of Tai Chi, a detailed analysis of its philosophy and relationship to Western philosophy, the I Ching and the Tao te Ching, and to Yoga and Zen. Includes information about breathing, health and Chinese medicine, as well as several hundred detailed photographs showing application of the positions.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Surviving Americas Depression Epidemic or Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder

Surviving America's Depression Epidemic: How to Find Morale, Energy, and Community in a World Gone Crazy

Author: Bruce E Levin

Millions of us have experienced periods of low morale, struggled to find cheer in the day-to-day world, and then found ourselves pacified into believing the smooth-talking spokesperson in yet another medication ad. We've all heard them, there's no denying the fact that these ads have made each of us wonder: Do I suffer from depression? Would I be happier and healthier if I simply consulted my physician and requested (insert drug name here)?

The rate of clinical depression in the U.S. has increased more than tenfold in the last fifty years. Is this epidemic properly being addressed by the insurance, pharmaceutical, and governmental powers-that-be or exacerbated by a failing system focused on instant results and high profit margins? Dr. Bruce E. Levine, a highly respected clinical psychologist, argues the later and provides a compelling alternative approach to treating depression that makes lasting change more likely than with symptom-based treatment through medication.

Surviving America's Depression Epidemic delves into the roots of depression and links our increasingly consumer-based culture and standard-practice psychiatric treatments to worsening depression, instead of solving it. In an easy-to-understand narrative style, Dr. Levine prescribes antidotes to depression including the keys to building morale and self-healing. Unlike short-term, drug-based solutions, these antidotes foster a long-term cycle where people re-discover passion and purpose, and find meaning in acting on their societal concerns.

A groundbreaking work, atypical of the shelf-loads of "pep-talk" based self help books on the market, Surviving America's Depression Epidemic provides the knowledge and counsel of a practicing psychologist in a digestible format that will improve your future. A must read for guidance and pastoral counselors; non-dogmatic psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers; and those tired of the TV ads shilling for better living through chemistry.

Table of Contents:
Introduction     vii
We're Lost, but We're Making Good Time: Marketing, Myths, Science, and Society     1
Morale and Energy     38
Understanding Self-Destructive Ways     64
Healing, Wholeness, and Choice     89
Self-Absorption, Self-Acceptance, Self-Release, and Life beyond Self     114
Public Passion and Reclaiming Community     147
Epilogue     177
Acknowledgments     183
Notes     185
Index     209

Go to: Tourettes Syndrome or Taste of Heritage

Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder

Author: Stephanie Marohn

It used to be called manic depression. Wide swings in mood, from elation to the doldrums. Days or months of expansiveness, irritability, increased activity, grandiosity, inflated self-esteem, followed by troughs of sadness, flatness, pessimism, guilt, concentration problems, and weight gain.

An estimated 2.3 million U.S. adults suffer this, as well as another million children and adolescents under age 18. Conventional medicine offers prescription drugs but no lasting improvement or cure. Natural medicine can do much better than that.

The Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder, an innovative and inspiring book on natural medicine treatments for a healthy mind, is about healing bipolar, not merely enduring it. Within these pages, medical journalist Stephanie Marohn explores the key contributing factors and triggers for mood disorder and profiles a range of effective, nondrug-based approaches that can truly restore health.

Among the successful healing techniques used by eight natural medicine experts are biological medicine, applied psychoneurobiology, biochemical therapy, nutritional therapy, cranial osteopathy, allergy elimination, homeopathy, and shamanic healing.

Treating the underlying imbalances, rather than suppressing the outer symptoms (as most drugs do), leads to lasting recovery. And only by considering the well-being of the mind and spirit as well as the body can comprehensive healing take place.

The Mens Health Guide to Peak Conditioning or The New Harvard Guide to Womens Health

The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning

Author: Richard Lalibert

* Hundreds of exercises for head-to-toe strength and energy
* Conditioning programs for more than 40 lifestyles and interests
* Buyers' guides for home equipment, health clubs, workout gear
* Easy ways to integrate workouts into your busy day
* Sleep, nutrition and time-management tips for peak power

Achieve your perfect body!

Finally-- a workout book for your body, your lifestyle, your goals. The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning is the first exercise book to let you put together a customized workout for exactly your needs. Play golf? Want a flatter belly? Got arthritis? Live in the country? Just turn 40? Rebounding from the flu? Have a job that leaves you without time or energy for exercise? No problem-- The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning has workouts for each of these cases and dozens of others.

We start you with seven weight lifts, seven stretches and an aerobic program that cover the essential needs of most any man today. From there we show you how to customize a workout for:

* Shaping your body (page 126)
* Bicycling stronger, longer (page 176)
* Living in the city (page 257) or country (page 261)
* Ridding fat (page 134)
* Improving your golf game (page 210)
* Bolstering your immune system (page 304)
* Exercising while traveling (page 151)
* Squeezing in exercise at lunch (page 143)
* Improving your sexual performance (page 169)
And dozens more goals, lifestyles and preferences!

But The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning doesn't just detail perfect workout routines. You'll also discover the definitive guide to integrating exercise into your busy life. Insideyou'll find:

* How to carve out all the time you need for exercise (page 16)
* Surprising eating (page 9), sleeping (page 13) and attitude tips (page 19) for maximum
* Buyers' guides to gear (page 312), gyms (page 317), shoes (page 320)
* Proper-technique tips for stair-climbers, treadmills, stationary bicycles and all the most popular indoor aerobic equipment (page 40)
* How to give and get a perfect massage (page 299)

Written in the funny, conversational tine that has made Men's Health magazine the definitive voice of men today, and featuring more than 400 photos, The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning is the ultimate tool for achieving health, strength and vitality.

Read also The Complete Guide to Vitamins Herbs and Supplements or The Boy Who Couldnt Stop Washing

The New Harvard Guide to Women's Health

Author: Karen J Carlson

With the publication in 1996 of The Harvard Guide to Women's Health, women seeking answers to questions about their health had access to the combined expertise of physicians from three of the world's most prestigious medical institutions: Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Brigham and Women's Hospital. With complete information on women's health concerns, physical and behavioral, this A to Z reference quickly became a definitive resource, praised especially for its coverage of topics not previously considered under the umbrella of women's health. The New Harvard Guide to Women's Health reunites the authors to bring a valued health reference up to date for a new generation—and for those women who have come to rely on the Harvard Guide and are now wondering what to do about their health as they enter a new stage of life, asking questions like the following:

  • I've been on hormone replacement therapy. Should I stop? How?

  • Could this rash be lupus?

  • I've been on the Pill. What is my risk for stroke?

  • Fat is bad, fat is good: What should I believe? And what's left to eat?

  • When does ordinary worry become chronic anxiety?

  • What screening tests do I need now?

In addition to revised recommendations reflecting the current medical thinking on menopause and hormone replacement therapy, the New Harvard Guide includes

  • updated recommendations about cardiac health and heart disease—the #1 killer of women in the United States

  • entries reflecting recent advances in theunderstanding and treatment of autoimmune diseases

  • better coverage of health concerns throughout a woman's life span, from her first period to menopause and beyond, with a new entry on perimenopause

  • expanded nutritional recommendations, including a unique chart of the U.S. government's Daily Reference Intakes for micronutrients, broken down for teens and women whose needs may differ because they are pregnant, breastfeeding, or postmenopausal

  • updated information on over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, procedures, screenings, and diagnostic tests

Library Journal

First published in 1996, this guide has been a valuable resource for female consumers seeking reliable health information. A new edition is most welcome because there have been major changes in the medical treatment of women, particularly in the areas of heart disease and menopause. The authors, two physicians on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and a medical journalist, feel that well-informed women who collaborate with their physicians get the best medical care. In addition to the expected articles on contraception, pregnancy, sexuality, and sexually transmitted diseases, the 300 alphabetically arranged entries cover such general medical topics as colon and rectal cancer, asthma, cosmetic safety, and pesticides and organic food. There are also discussions of domestic violence, cosmetic surgery, obesity, and nutrition. Information on hormone replacement therapy, cardiac disease in women, autoimmune diseases, drugs, screening procedures, and diagnostic tests has been updated to reflect the most current medical thinking. Addressing the health concerns facing women throughout their lives, the volume includes a new entry about perimenopause as well as nutritional charts for women of different ages. An excellent medical companion to Our Bodies, Ourselves for the New Century, which provides the political and psychosocial foundation for women's health advocacy; highly recommended for all health collections.-Barbara M. Bibel, Oakland P.L., CA Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.

Table of Contents:


Abdominal Pain



Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)





Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening

Alternative Therapies

Alzheimer's Disease





Angina Pectoris

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa

Antianxiety Drugs



Antiinflammatory Drugs

Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome

Anxiety Disorders

Aortic Stenosis




Artificial Sweeteners


Autoimmune Disorders

Back Pain

Bacterial Vaginosis


Birth Control

Blood Tests

Body Image

Body Odors

Bowel Disorders

Breast Cancer

Breast Implants and Enlargement

Breast Lumps (Benign)

Breast Pain

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reduction

Breast Self-Examination


Breathing Disorders


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Cervical Cancer and Dysplasia

Cesarean Section



Chest Pain




Chorionic Villi Sampling

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome




Colon and Rectal Cancer



Computerized Axial Tomography CT Scans


Congestive Heart Failure


Contact Lenses

Coronary Artery Disease

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Safety

Cosmetic Surgery


Cushing Syndrome

Cystocele, Urethrocele, and Rectocele

Dentures, Bridges, and Implants


Dermabrasion and Chemical Peels


Diaphragms, Cervical Caps, and Sponges

Diethylstilbestrol (DES)


Dilatation and Curettage


Dissociative Identify Disorder


Diverticular Disease

Domestic Abuse


Dry Eye


Ectopic Pregnancy



Electrosurgical Loop Excision

Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial Hyperplasia




Estrogen Replacement Therapy


Eye Care

Eyelid Surgery

Face Lifts

Fallopian Tube Cancer



Foot Care



Genetic Counseling

Genital Warts


Goiters and Thyroid Nodules


Gum Disease

Hair Care

Hair Dyes

Hair Loss

Hair Removal

Hay Fever and Perennial Allergic Rhinitis


Heart Disease





High Blood Pressure


Hormonal Contraception











Infrequent Periods


Interstitial Cystitis

Intrauterine Devices


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Kegel Exercises

Keloid Scarring

Kidney Disorders

Knee Pain



Laser Surgery


Lipectomy and Liposuction

Liver Spots



Lung Cancer


Lyme Disaese


Macular Degeneration

Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Manic-Depressive Disorder







Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Cycle Disorders



Mitral Valve Prolapse

Molar Pregnancy



Morning Sickness

Multiple Sclerosis

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Myasthenia Gravis


Nail Care

Natural Birth Control Methods

Nearsightedness and Farsightedness

Nonsurgical Abortion



Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Occupational Hazards

Oral Contraceptives





Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cysts

Ovary Removal

Pain Management

Pain during Sexual Intercourse

Panic Disorder

Pap Test

Patients' Rights

Pelvic Examinations

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Pain

Peptic Ulcer Disease


Personality Disorders

Pesticides and Organic Foods


Physical Examinations

Platelet Disorders

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis


Postpartum Issues

Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Preconception Counseling



Pregnancy over Age 35

Pregnancy Testing

Premenstrual Syndrome

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Genetic Counseling

Prolapsed Uterus

Psychosomatic Disorders


Pubic Lice

Radiation Therapy

Raynaud's Phenomenon

Retinal Detachment

Retroverted Uterus

Rh Disease

Rheumatoid Arthritis




Safer Sex








Seasonal Affective Disorder

Sexual Abuse and Incest

Sexual Assault

Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Orientation

Sexual Response

Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Sjoegren Syndrome

Skin Care and Cosmetics

Skin Disorders

Sleep Disorders


Social Anxiety Disorder


Sports Injuries




Substance Abuse


Temporal Arteritis

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome

Tendinitis and Tenosynovitis

Testicular Feminization Syndrome

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid Disorders

Toxic Shock Syndrome



Tubal Ligation

Turner Syndrome


Umbilical Hernia

Urethral Syndrome

Urinary Tract Infections

Urine Tests

Uterine Fibroids

Vacuum Aspiration

Vaginal Atrophy

Vaginal Bleeding (Abnormal)

Vaginal Bleeding during Pregnancy


Varicose Veins

Vitamins and Minerals

Vulvar Cancer

Vulvar Cysts

Vulvar Disorders

Vulvar Pain


Weight Tables


Yeast Infections


For Further Information


Illustration Credits
