Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cool Hip and Sober or Perimenopause 2d

Cool, Hip, and Sober: 88 Ways to Beat Booze and Drugs

Author: Bill H Manvill

In a refreshingly clear-headed and informed approach to addiction, Bill Manville, noted writer and radio host of the popular talk show "Addictions and Answers," has compiled a list of 88 questions and answers from, "a ton of plain and fancy drunks and dopers" and their family and friends. Cool, Hip, and Sober offers valuable advice and information from his guests: noted psychiatrists, psychologists, rehab counselors, MDs, academics and more.
Here, in first-person detail, are responses to the issues faced by alcoholics, addicts, and their loved ones, such as:
* How can I stop for good today?
* How can I tell if someone I love will relapse?
* Alcholism . . . addiction . . . and sex
* Do interventions really work? And how do I set up one?
* How do I find the best rehab for me?
*The many faces of denial
* Is alcoholism inherited?
* And much, much more . . .

A brave, transformational look at the treatment of chemical dependency, Cool, Hip & Sober is a captivating, insightful and essential handbook for overcoming denial and achieving a peaceful, long-term recovery.

Library Journal

Manville, a California-based radio show host, journalist, and rehab clinic volunteer, drew 88 questions from his program and provides answers based on research, expert opinion, and his own experience as a long-term recovering addict. Readers are instructed to consult sections of the book that concern their stage of substance abuse, from ambivalence about its costs/benefits to the recovery phase, and the questions are colorfully labeled to address specific problems (e.g., tests for assessing whether one is an alcoholic and choosing a rehabilitation program). Heavily grounded in Alcoholics Anonymous theory and a belief in a broadly defined higher power, the book successfully straddles the polar views of alcoholism as a disease and as a character defect. It also concisely presents the latest medications and common techniques for dealing with related problems, but fundamentally it is intended as a tool of encouragement and inspiration; readers seeking more in-depth information may need to go beyond the few listed web sites. Though the information is basic, Manville's presentation is attention-getting, and his message is delivered in a heartfelt manner. Recommended for personal collections and specialized collections on addiction.-Antoinette Brinkman, M.L.S., Evansville, IN Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.

Interesting textbook: Secrets of Self Healing or Menopause SourceBook

Perimenopause 2d

Author: James E Huston

This newly revised second edition shows women how to manage the transition to menopause. This guide includes new information on heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer, birth control, and hormone replacement, as well as an expanded chapter on alternative health options. The authors have also thoroughly updated their extensive references and appendices, allowing quick access to specific information.

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